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121 Southport
Williamsburg, VA, 23188
United States

DENTIN is the dental board preparation  leader for dental students to easily pass the NBDE, NBDHE, ADEX, WREB, and FL Dental Laws. Our awesome study guides are used by thousands of dental students, dental hygiene students, and dentists globally. DENTIN study guides are "high yield" providing dental students and dentists with clear, concise, and current test preparation content to achieve scoring excellence on U.S. dental examinations and dental licensure boards. 



Ricky Rubin

SJOGREN'S SYNDROMEan autoimmune salivary and lacrimal gland disorder of unknown cause marked by chronic inflammation of the salivary and lacrimal glands. Often affects post-menopausal women who present with dry eyes and mouth. 50% of cases have BILATERAL enlargement of the PAROTID and SUBMANDIBULAR glands.

SYMPTOMSRheumatoid Arthritis (RA)XEROSTOMIA (dry mouth), and keratoconjunctiva sicca (dryness of the eyes). However, all 3 symptoms rarely occur in one patient. The decrease in salivation may cause rampant caries reminiscent of radiation caries.