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DENTIN is the dental board preparation  leader for dental students to easily pass the NBDE, NBDHE, ADEX, WREB, and FL Dental Laws. Our awesome study guides are used by thousands of dental students, dental hygiene students, and dentists globally. DENTIN study guides are "high yield" providing dental students and dentists with clear, concise, and current test preparation content to achieve scoring excellence on U.S. dental examinations and dental licensure boards. 



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DENTIN ADEX Dentists eBook Cover.jpg



DENTIN’s ADEX Diagnostic Skills Examination (DSE) efficient test preparation guide is the top resource used by dental students and dentists to pass the ADEX computer-based diagnostic skills examination (DSE). The ADEX DSE computer based simulated clinical exam consists of 150 multiple choice questions (30 patient evaluation (PE) questions, 60 comprehenisve treatment planning (CTP) questions, and 60 questions on periodontics, prosthodontics, and medial considerations (PPMC) questions). DENTIN’s premium ADEX preparation guide for the DSE is the gold standard to pass the ADEX computer-based DSE, and was written based on hundreds of prior examination questions and material from examinees who actually passed the ADEX DSE.

Whether you are taking the ADEX administered by Southern Regional Testing Agency (SRTA), Council of Interstate Testing Agencies (CITA), or The Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA) (formerly NERB), DENTIN’s excellent ADEX test preparation guide guarantees a passing score of 75% on the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc (ADEX) DSE. The DSE preview reflects the 2022 ebook format.

ADEX DSE eBook will be emailed with 24-48hrs of order confirmation.

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