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121 Southport
Williamsburg, VA, 23188
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DENTIN is the dental board preparation  leader for dental students to easily pass the NBDE, NBDHE, ADEX, WREB, and FL Dental Laws. Our awesome study guides are used by thousands of dental students, dental hygiene students, and dentists globally. DENTIN study guides are "high yield" providing dental students and dentists with clear, concise, and current test preparation content to achieve scoring excellence on U.S. dental examinations and dental licensure boards. 



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DENTIN’s ADEX Hygiene CSCE test preparation guide is the top resource used by dental hygiene students nationally to pass the 2-hour, 100 multiple choice ADEX computer simulated clinical exam (CSCE) administered by the CDCA (Commission on Dental Competency Assessments). DENTIN’s excellent test preparation guide provides hygienists with the critical information needed to pass the CSCE which is based on simulated patients, radiographs, study model images, and laboratory data. DENTIN’s ADEX CSCE covers medical and dental assessment, dental and periodontal charting and assessment, oral pathology, radiology, periodontal procedures, infection control, medical emergency management, and applied pharmacology. DENTIN’s excellent ADEX-CSCE test preparation guide is the gold standard to guarantee a passing score of 75% on the ADEX-CSCE.

ADEX CSCE eBook will be emailed within 24-48hrs of order confirmation. ebook purchases are non-refundable.

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